As Bill mentioned, I love taking ugly things and making them beautiful. It's what I do....although some could argue what my success rate is, but I have a feeling that this particular house project can be nothing but a win. There is some real ugly going on.
I am so excited to take this poor little ugly duckling turn it into a swan. The first thing I knew when I saw this house is that it has some great bones! Big beautiful windows that let in lots of light, great vaulted ceilings, and potential for a big open floor plan.
I have loved decorating and creating a beautiful space in the home that I am in now. It's been really satisfying, but I feel like we have made the most of this space. It doesn't make sense from a financial or design perspective to change it up again. It's time to move on.
Also...I am beyond excited to try a new design style and a more updated look. I have spent many hours looking at existing homes, scouring the internet and discovering the best furniture buys. I can't wait to share my designs with you and to put it into something tangible.
Speaking of something tangible....I thought I'd share with you what Bill and I have been working on the last few months. It took some time and some patience to find just the right project house, so while we were waiting and searching, we decided to get busy creating an inspiration piece.
This is our first foray into furniture making. We loved how it turned out, but even better than the finished product was the invaluable learning experience. We learned so incredibly much through research, examples from others, and a lot of trial an error. There is nothing like diving right into the pool to learn how to swim 😀. Hopefully we will come out swimming like swans, too
Hope you like how it turned out!
Please feel free to follow our journey and comment along the way!!